December Roundup: Script Network Raise SOLD OUT, Stabble’s Milestone Repair plan, AngelBlock Entering 2024!

05 Jan 2024 · 5 min read

Monthly Update
Monthly Update
Marketing & Community
Marketing & Community

Project Updates

Script Network Raise SOLD OUT

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We are excited to share that our first cross-chain raise with Script Network got SOLD OUT in just over two days after opening Tier 1 - "Value Investors" on Thursday 07.12, successfully raising 50,000 USDT. We couldn’t be happier with the outcome and overwhelming support during the last raise. We are more ready than ever to continue our journey with more projects to raise—both EVM-based and Aleph Zero raises as soon as our Aleph Zero bridge is ready for deployment.
If you want to read a recap of the raise you can do so here.

Stabble’s Milestone 4 Rejected

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On December 1st, Stabble's 4th Milestone Voting started. In Milestone 4, Stabble's investors were invited to vote on the following:
  • Conducting their IDO, TGE & Listings Specifically, Stabble aims to close the public sale round and list their token on one of the top 25 CEX platforms according to CoinMarketCap, and one DEX with a minimum initial liquidity of $200,000.
Since Stabble did not meet the defined deliverables for Milestone 4, the milestone was rejected by Stabble investors. The rejection of MIlestone 4 led to our first-ever repair plan vote that started a week after Milestone 4’s end.

Stabble Repair Plan Approved

After a week of voting the Repair plan was approved and a new timeline for the project was agreed upon Stabble’s Milestone 4 deadline was changed to the 1st of March.
Reminder: Regardless of the Repair Plan voting results, all Stabble tokens, proportional to the amount of the budget already released to Stabble, will be delivered to the investors following the announced vesting schedule.

Product & Development Updates

Aleph Zero Bridge

One of our biggest updates and goals for 2024 is our Aleph Zero bridge which will allow raises for Aleph Zero based projects to happen. The initial bridge has been developed and currently undergoes a necessary testing and improvements phase for further development along with a security audit. We will be releasing an article, especially for our Aleph Zero bridge soon, that will dive into the details of how the bridge will work and our plan with it.

Cross-chain Milestones

December saw the completion of the development for cross-chain raises, and we're now focusing on the second part—cross-chain milestones. The initial solution, based on merkle roots, is being fine-tuned and tested for readiness by March, marking the first SCPT token claim for Script investors if their 1st Milestone in January is approved.

Circulating Supply API

After overcoming some technical hurdles related to our circulating supply and how it is depicted in various sources (i.e. Coingecko, CoinMarketCap), an API solution that will meet the necessary criteria has been developed and will allow us to have our supply verified and automatically monitored in their databases.

Website and Misc Development Updates

  • Project pages can now be populated with their respective articles allowing us to have all necessary info in one place instead of having the content spread out in various subpages.
  • THOL stakes can now see their rewards over an extended period.
  • Project pages now have more info regarding each project like analytical vesting schedule.
  • Further website and protocol improvements regarding security, data backup, and monitoring.
  • Minor Badge improvements for the Script Network raise badge.


Staking Metrics Update

During the last few months, there has been significant growth in our staking metrics across the board, showcasing investor readiness for the upcoming raises and trust in our protocol.
  • THOL Staking
  • Total staked: 40,000,745 $THOL (+10.5% from mid-Nov.)
  • Stakers: 426 (+13.8% from mid-Nov.)
  • NFTs staked: 993 (+3.17% from mid-Nov.)
  • Current market value per NFT: 6,078.34 $THOL
  • THOL staking rewards pool: 24,133,458 $THOL
You can stake here.
Aleph Zero Validator Node Update:
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  • 2.84M AZERO Staked
This growth reflects the community's trust and our low 5% commission. Our validator has maintained a 99,497% uptime and the only reason it is not 100% is due to various security updates and upgrades that aim to support its long-term safety and smooth operation.

Marketing & Community

Community & Content

December was a month of engaging with our community and an effort to create valuable content. Here's a recap of what happened:
  • Script AMA Video Update: Alex, our CEO, had an AMA with Script Network regarding their raise, the raise details, and important information about Script Network and what they are building.
  • Zealy Monthly Giveaway: We hosted a Zealy Monthly Giveaway, featuring an exclusive AB NFT as the prize. The quests encouraged community participation and engagement.
  • Zealy Holiday Giveaway: We create a 10-day major giveaway on Zealy, with NFTs & THOL as prizes for our Zealy participants, and announce our season 2 of Zealy with new quests for our community.
Rounding out our last update for 2023, we have to say that it has truly been a pivotal year for AngelBlock. We managed to deliver many milestones, host our first raises, and milestone votes, and had our fair share of things that we could have done better in hindsight. But we are here, we are learning and we couldn’t have come this far without our community's support and feedback.

Moving Forward

The plan is to increase our marketing efforts to enhance our protocol’s visibility, expand our reach, and attract new users to our platform.
We are going to spend most of January evaluating things that went well and things that didn’t during 2023, plan and strategize on our next steps for this year, and make sure we are set out to deliver what we promised and what our protocol is all about.
Once again, thank you for your support in 2023. Here's to a successful and exciting year ahead—Let's AngelBlock it in 2024!

Written by: Nikos Fratzeskos

Protocol based platform
for startups and investors.

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