THOL is the utility token of the AngelBlock platform and is used to gain an access to key platform features, allowing for the secure investments in crypto space.
Total supply
Circulating supply
Treasury Left
Will be used as a community-building incentive and will be distributed to users of AngelBlock for their predefined activities and actions. Should assets held in Treasury fall below a certain threshold AngelBlock will repurchase tokens from the secondary market.
DEX Liquidity Pool Tokens
14% of Tokens will be allocated in DEX Liquidity Pool - as announced by AngelBlock in detail on further notice. AngelBlock or its affiliates will not be the “owners” or the governing entity of the liquidity pools or the author of a smart contract on which it will be based.
No future Token generation
Once the Token Generation Event is conducted, no additional Tholos tokens will ever be generated.
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