February Roundup: New projects on AngelBlock, Stabble’s Milestone Re-planning & the AlephZero bridge.

13 Mar 2024 · 5 min read

Project Updates
Project Updates
Product & Development Updates
Product & Development Updates
Business Development Updates
Business Development Updates
Marketing & Community
Marketing & Community
As we move further into March, we couldn’t be more proud of our team’s hard work and progress throughout the previous month. The progress of both our development and business development team has been astounding.

Project Updates

Stabble’s 2nd Milestone 4 Replanning Approved
Stabble’s goals remain unchanged; however, their team proposed a new date for the delivery of their final Milestone.
  • Original Milestone Delivery Date: 01.03.2024
  • New Milestone Delivery Date Proposal: 15.05.2024
Stabble’s investors approved the milestone #4 delivery date change. The main deliverables within this milestone are their TGE followed by CEX listings. The deadline was moved to 15.5.2024. Stable investors should be aware that the change is affecting their token release schedule and will be adjusted accordingly.

Product & Development Updates

Aleph Zero Bridge

Our AlephZero bridge has completed the initial audit and internal testing phase. The insights gained will guide improvements and enhancements set for implementation in March.

Startup Token Claiming

Our dev team is currently prioritizing the token claiming functionality, marking 20.03 as a crucial date for the first token unlock event for the Script Network. This feature is crucial for enabling token claims on EVM-compatible chains via our protocol, marking another significant step towards our goal of becoming a multichain protocol.

Homepage improvements

With the increasing number of startups preparing to raise funds on our platform, coupled with the influx of news and updates regarding our protocol, we acknowledge the paramount importance of ensuring a seamless user experience. Hence, we're revamping our navigation and homepage design to better accommodate these expansions, ensuring a welcoming and informative environment.

Business Development Updates

Our business development team has been relentlessly pursuing opportunities to welcome more startups to AngelBlock for their token sales, focusing on both inbound and outbound leads. This effort has materialized in the introduction of two new startups to our community:
  • ReformDAO
  • Plena Finance


Staking Metrics Update February was a significant month in terms of the growth we saw in our protocol, particularly in our staking metrics. THOL Staking:
  • Total staked: 49,266,075 $THOL (+8.6% from Jan.)
  • Stakers: 710 (+22% from Jan.)
  • NFTs staked: 1112 (+3.9% from Jan.)
  • Current market value per NFT: 2,964 $THOL
  • THOL staking rewards pool: 22,254,991 $THOL
@Aleph__Zero Validator Node Update: 2.53M AZERO Staked
Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 12.38.31 PM.png With 2.53M AZERO staked, our validator node has achieved a commendable 97% uptime. The slight shortfall from 100% uptime is being addressed, with ISP issues identified and solutions being actively pursued to restore full uptime.

Marketing & Community

Our marketing team has finished planning and we have already started implementing our new marketing strategy. The new strategy is focused and well-affected by community feedback we had around our protocol’s reach and awareness. We hope the community will start noticing all the changes we have implemented and be ready for what’s to come in the time ahead.
Notable February highlights include:

Moving Forward

As we advance, our focus will be on reinforcing our platform’s functionality, expanding our ecosystem, and deepening our community’s engagement. We are committed to navigating the years ahead by continuously adapting our strategies to foster growth and innovation.

Written by: Nikos Fratzeskos

Protocol based platform
for startups and investors.

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