January Roundup: Gearing up for 2024 - Aleph Zero Bridge, Script Network 1st Milestone Approved, and more.

01 Feb 2024 · 5 min read

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January has been a month of reflection and preparation for what’s coming next. We have set our milestones, made our plans, and we are ready for what’s to come. On that note, here is what happened:

Project Updates

Script Network 1st Milestone Approved

Script Network investors have given their approval to the 1st milestone, releasing 28.76% of the raised funds.
Milestone 1 - Goals:
  • Conduct IDO and have the token live with liquidity in a top 20 CEX.
  • Milestone 1 - Details:
  • Votes: 9.3k/50k
  • Approved milestone: 100% of votes
  • Rejected milestone: 0% of votes
Script has delivered its milestone as promised, unlocking 28.76% of the funds raised, totaling 14,380 USDT, now in the team's possession.
Even though Milestone 1 was approved, Script Network investors through AngelBlock will follow a slightly different token release schedule. The token released schedule is split into monthly releases. Starting from March 20th, 2024, and after the approval of the 1st Milestone. Investors will receive a proportional amount of their tokens on the 20th of March, 20th of April, and 20th of May before the next milestone unlock. The specific release plan can be seen on each investor dashboard in our protocol.

Product & Development Updates

Aleph Zero Bridge

Our primary attention continues to be centered on the Aleph Zero bridge, with a dedicated effort towards securing its stability and safety. The codebase is currently subject to an audit and our team is actively engaged in making changes to enhance the bridge's stability and security features. This dual approach ensures that we not only identify potential vulnerabilities but also implement robust solutions to safeguard the bridge against future challenges.

Startup Token Claiming

Building on the previously established milestone of cross-chain token unlocks, our team is currently refining the startup's token integration process. This revision aims to create a mechanism for investors to claim their tokens in a manner that is more closely aligned with every startup's vesting schedule. It is designed in a way that ensures a smoother and more tailored claiming process that enhances the overall investment experience within our ecosystem.

Investment flow improvements

Based on the insights gained from our last fundraise with Script, we have introduced several enhancements to the investment flow. These improvements are focused on streamlining the identity verification process while providing a clearer flow of the fundraising progress. These adjustments are designed to simplify the investor's journey, ensuring a more efficient experience. By refining these aspects of our protocol, we aim to foster a more engaging and intuitive interaction for all investors. Ecosystem

Staking Metrics Update

January was a significant month in terms of the growth we saw in our protocol, particularly in our staking metrics.
THOL Staking
  • Total staked: 45,196,068 $THOL (+ 2.1961% from Dec)
  • Stakers: 570 (+ 28.9157% from Dec)
  • NFTs staked: 1070 (+ 7.46486% from Dec)
  • Current market value per NFT: 2,189.60 $THOL
  • THOL staking rewards pool: 23,463,604 $THOL
You can stake here. https://angelblock.io/staking/
Aleph Zero Validator Node Update: 2.64M AZERO Staked
Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 4.50.53 PM.png
This growth reflects the community's trust and our low 5% commission. Our validator has maintained a 99,543% uptime and the only reason it is not 100% is due to various security updates and upgrades that aim to support its long-term safety and smooth operation.

Marketing & Community

Community & Content

Planning, planning, planning this is what we focused on during January. We focused on identifying our pain points and found solutions around them. We are happy to share our efforts have paid off and we have an action plan ready for what's coming.

Moving Forward

February is shaping up to be an exciting month for our community, with several announcements and critical updates on the horizon regarding AngelBlock and its future.

Written by: Nikos Fratzeskos

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