November Roundup: Start of cross-chain raises with Script Network, Aleph Zero Bridge & More

07 Dec 2023 · 7 min read

Monthly Update
Monthly Update
Development & DevOps
Development & DevOps
Marketing & Community
Marketing & Community
November was a pivotal month for us at AngelBlock, notably the preparation of our inaugural cross-chain fundraise with Script Network. Here's a recap of what happened:

Project Updates

Stabble’s 3rd Milestone Voting Approved

3rd Stabble Milestone Voting - Approved.png
Stabble's 3rd Milestone Voting was approved! After a week of voting, Stabble investors have given their approval to the 3rd milestone, releasing 20% of the raised funds.

Stabble’s Milestone 4

4th Stabble Milestone Voting - Date.png
On December 1st, Stabble's 4th Milestone Voting started. In Milestone 4, Stabble's investors are invited to vote on the following:
  • Conducting their IDO, TGE & Listings Specifically, Stabble aims to close the public sale round and list their token on one of the top 25 CEX platforms according to CoinMarketCap, and one DEX with a minimum initial liquidity of $200,000.
Stabble has not fully met the defined deliverables for Milestone 4. Detailed information and an explanation can be found in the Milestone delivery report and our Stabble Investor-only- discord channel. If you are among the investors, you can cast your vote here.

Product Updates

Cross-chain Raises

  • After completing a rigorous testing phase, we are thrilled to announce our ability to facilitate cross-chain fundraises. Our upcoming protocol raise with Script Network will serve as a testament to this capability, allowing investors to contribute USDT on Ethereum and receive Script tokens($SCPT) on BSC. Our team remains committed to further developing our cross-chain solution to enable seamless milestone unlocks and token claiming.

Aleph Zero Bridge

  • At the same time, we are continuing our development for the Aleph Zero cross-chain messaging bridge. The development of the bridge is progressing very well, and we expect to release it in early 2024.

Other Product Updates

  • UI improvements: The vesting schedule for raises is now visible to investors in their dashboard for upcoming releases on projects they have invested in.
  • Browsing the website: We have improved our user authentication mechanism to allow unobstructed website browsing without unnecessary pop-ups.

Development & DevOps

Diving into the detailed updates, particularly those related to development, significant progress has been made in various aspects of our protocol. During November we successfully delivered:
  • We successfully upgraded our fundraising mechanism to version 2.0.0. This required extended data migration from the previous version and now enables cross-chain fundraise to happen,
  • As mentioned in the product update, this upgrade paved the way for our inaugural cross-chain fundraise on the BSC with Script Network. Powered by our LayerZero integration, investors can now contribute USDT on the ETH mainnet and effortlessly claim their tokens on the BSC chain.
  • End-to-end* automation testing was also enhanced, granting us greater automation during protocol development.
*End-to-end testing verifies that all components of a system can run under real-world scenarios. The goal of this form of testing is to simulate a user experience from start to finish


In November, we focused on enhancing various aspects of our protocol stack, encompassing both our components and third-party integrations. Key advancements include:
  • Resolving and optimizing The Graph integration
  • Refining voting power calculations
  • Streamlining the approved milestones flow
  • Simplifying the investor claiming flow
  • Upgrading our backend infrastructure to the latest Python version (3.12)

Upcoming Updates

In addition to the recent protocol enhancements, we are actively working on several updates to further develop our platform and user experience. These updates span both the product and DevOps:
  • We are currently refining our cross-chain integrations to enable seamless interoperability across various EVM blockchains. This will facilitate the transfer of critical information, such as investor data, milestone unlocks, and token claims, across multiple networks. This will significantly expand the scope of our protocol and provide users with greater flexibility and accessibility.
  • The development of our Aleph Zero messaging bridge is progressing steadily. This bridge will establish a secure and efficient communication channel between Aleph Zero and other EVM-based blockchains.
  • We are currently working on UI updates for project pages. These updates will improve the presentation of project information, making it more intuitive and user-friendly for investors and stakeholders.


Staking Metrics Update
During the last few months, there has been significant growth in our staking metrics across the board, showcasing investor readiness for the upcoming raises and trust in our protocol. THOL Staking:
  • Total staked: 36,006,541 $THOL (+7.75% from mid-Nov.)
  • Stakers: 371 (+5.8% from mid-Nov.)
  • NFTs staked: 962 (+2.1% from mid-Nov.)
  • Current market value per NFT: 28,481.99 $THOL $
  • THOL staking rewards pool: 25,059,533* $THOL
You can stake here.
*The actual daily rewards per NFT are lower than this value due to limitations on the rewards system. For more information about these limitations, check here.
Aleph Zero Validator Node Update: 2.89M (+0.34% from mid-Nov.) AZERO Staked
Aleph Zero Node.png
This growth reflects the community's trust and our low 5% commission. Our validator has maintained an impressive 100% uptime, demonstrating reliability, security, and performance.

Marketing & Community

Community & Content

November was a month of engaging with our community and an effort to create valuable content. Here's a recap of what happened:
  • Second AMA Video Update: We released our 2nd AMA video, featuring our CEO Alex and our CFO Leith. The latest AMA video shared info into our recent progress, upcoming plans, and Aleph Zero messaging bridge.
  • Zealy Monthly Giveaway: We hosted a Zealy Monthly Giveaway, featuring an exclusive AB NFT as the prize. The quests encouraged community participation and engagement.
  • Script Network Communication Strategy: We focused our communication efforts around the Script Network raise. We released articles, posts, and updates to keep our community updated about the raise.
As we gear up for the new year, we are intensifying our marketing efforts to enhance our protocol’s visibility, expand our reach, and attract new users to our platform. Here's an overview of our upcoming marketing initiatives:
  • We're hosting an exclusive webinar for European Tech School students
  • Communication of our new raises that will enable our community to participate in and help the overall growth of our protocol
  • Communication for the upcoming Aleph Zero messaging bridge. That will provide a comprehensive overview of the bridge's functionality, its significance within our protocol, and the benefits it will bring.
  • Even more raises!

Moving Forward

November marked a pivotal month for us, with significant updates to our protocol. However, this is merely the start of an exciting journey ahead.
As market sentiment surges, so does the willingness of projects eager to raise funds. And we, more than ever, are ready to support them.
Brace yourselves, for we have only just begun!

Written by: Nikos Fratzeskos

Protocol based platform
for startups and investors.

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