October Roundup: ZEBU Live, EBC9, Crosschain Integration Under Tests, Upcoming Raise & More.

06 Nov 2023 · 5 min read

October Roundup
Monthly Update
Monthly Update
Development & DevOps
Development & DevOps
Marketing & Community
Marketing & Community
Upcoming Raises
Upcoming Raises
Crosschain Bridge Update
Crosschain Bridge Update
October was particularly busy for both the crypto space and us. Regardless of the market's direction, we kept ourselves busy. Last month was packed with updates and news from every corner of AB. Here's what happened:

Project Updates

Stabble’s 2nd Milestone Voting Approved

2nd Stabble Milestone Voting - 2.png
Stabble's 2nd Milestone Voting was approved! After a week of voting, Stabble investors have given their approval to the 2nd milestone, releasing 20% of the raised funds. Shortly after the approval of Milestone 2, the Stabble team applied for their Milestone 3 & 4 Re-planning.

Stabble’s Milestone 3 & 4 Re-planning Proposal Rejected

2nd Stabble Milestone Voting - 4b.png
In accordance with our protocol's logic, Stabble submitted a request for milestone re-planning regarding the remaining milestones. This time voting itself was hosted on Snapshot, before integrating it into our core product. The proposed changes were rejected by investors, therefore Stabble will have to follow the originally defined milestones that can be reviewed here.

Product Updates

The primary focus of the team remains on cross-chain fundraises. Our LayerZero integration, which will enable us to incorporate over 30 EVM-compatible chains, is in the final testing phase. Simultaneously, the integration of our Aleph Zero bridge solution, connecting Ethereum to AlephZero, is undergoing an external audit.
In the meantime, during October, several improvements were implemented, including:
  • SEO: Metatags were updated for the main page and sub-pages.
  • A search feature was added to the FAQ and the blog.
  • Visual fixes: Fixed THOL overlap with staking input and corrected button size for investor's dashboard redirection.
  • User flow improvements: Enabled redirection from staking to active projects pages and provided different success messages for users investing multiple times in the same project.

Development & DevOps

In addition to the above, for expediting product and development updates while ensuring a high level of quality, we've extended our CI/CD* process to include end-to-end testing using Cypress**, which covers the most critical workflows.
We have also implemented an additional layer of monitoring for self-hosted AZERO and The Graph nodes.
*CI/CD: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery/Deployment **Cypress is a front-end testing tool for web applications designed to address the challenges developers and QA engineers face during application testing.


THOL Staking Update

  • Total THOL staked: 31,904,826 $THOL (+43.70% from Sep.)
  • Stakers: 320 (+2.58% from Sep.)
  • NFTs staked: 916 (+3.22% from Sep.)
  • The current market value per NFT: 46,028.14 $THOL*
  • THOL staking rewards pool: 25,695,650 $THOL
If you haven't staked your $THOL or NFTs yet, you can start staking here.
*The actual daily rewards per NFT are lower than this value due to limitations on the rewards system. For more information about these limitations, check here.

Aleph Zero Validator Node: 2.62M (+10.04% from Sep.) AZERO Staked

AlephZero Node Update
Our Aleph Zero validator node has 2.62M $AZERO staked. This growth reflects the community's trust and our low 5% commission. Our validator has maintained an impressive 99.99% uptime, demonstrating reliability, security, and performance.
Stake AZERO with our AngelBlock Aleph Zero node here.

Marketing & Community


In October we participated in two conferences, ZEBU Live Conference in London and the European Blockchain Convention in Barcelona.
ZEBU Live was a remarkable experience that provided us with an encouraging outlook on the evolving Web3 space, not only in the UK but worldwide. During this event, we connected with knowledgeable builders and had the pleasure of engaging with our community members, which was truly exceptional. Notably, Alex's panel, "DeFi as Crypto's Most Important Use Case," drew a large Main Stage audience. This panel facilitated intriguing discussions and reinforced our belief that our protocol is on the right path.
The 9th edition of the European Blockchain Convention in Barcelona was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding events we've ever attended. The scale of attendance exceeded our expectations, and our booth was consistently bustling with activity. We established valuable connections with numerous VCs, startups, and explored various business development opportunities.
Our CEO, Alex, participated in one insightful panel on each day of the conference. Additionally, he served as a judge in the finals of the Startup Battle. You can watch the exciting highlights of EBC9 here.
We highly recommend reading our detailed recaps from both conferences and watching the panels in which Alex took part. You can find the links below.

EBC9 in Barcelona Photos

Alex's Panel on EBC9.jpg
EBC Team Photo
EBC Booth
Leith & Nikos | EBC9 Booth

Community & Content

In October, we focused heavily on our PR content and related activities, and we're already gearing up for an exciting November. Here's what's on the horizon:
Additionally, we made some important updates to our community page on CoinMarketCap. If you haven't done so already, be sure to give it a follow here.

Moving Forward

The final details for our upcoming fundraising events are set, and this November, we're preparing for our initiative with Interlock. We're incredibly excited about this, and we'll be sharing specific details in the coming weeks.
As we look ahead, we're excited about what the future holds and the continued development of the project. Thanks for reading, and as always, don't forget to visit our community – we'd love to see you there!

Written by: Nikos Fratzeskos

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