AngelBlock & THOLOS ($THOL): A Tokenomics Guide

20 Nov 2023 · 10 min read

THOL Tokenomics
THOL Tokenomics
THOL Token Allocations
THOL Token Allocations
THOL Vesting Schedule
THOL Vesting Schedule
THOL Upcoming Unlocks
THOL Upcoming Unlocks
Update 1: Updates on the calculation of our circulating supply.
The purpose of this article is to have all crucial information about our Token THOLOS ($THOL) tokenomics gathered into one source. Specifically, we will be discussing:
  1. Tholos General Info
  2. Tholos Token Allocations, Vesting Schedule & Upcoming Unlocks
  3. Tholos Utility

Tholos General Info

  • Ticker: $THOL
  • Max Supply: 400,000,000*
  • IDO Price: $ 0.10
  • TGE Date: 16/02/2023
*It's important to note that THOL's initial supply was 480,000,000 $THOL, and that number was reduced to 400,000,000 $THOL prior to our TGE in the beginning of 2023.

Tholos Circulating Supply

To address an ongoing issue of our circulating supply being displayed incorrectly on various sources, it’s important for everyone to understand how our circulating supply is actually calculated. It is fairly simple to calculate and can be determined using the formula below:

THOL’s circulating supply = max supply - tokens in the vesting contract - tokens in the staking contract

We recommend using Coingecko as the primary source for information about our circulating supply.
For upcoming unlocks, you can easily check the infographic below.
Available Markets to buy $THOL

Tholos Token Sale

THOL’s token sale happened over three sale rounds spread across a year, starting from Q3 of 2021 and ending in Q3 of 2022.

Private Round 1 (Friends & Family)

  • Price per token: $0,05
  • Total Amount of THOL Sold: 28,000,000.

Private Round 2 (Multiple VCs and Individual Angel Investors)

  • Price per token: $0,08
  • Total Amount of THOL Sold: 29,371,400

Community Sale Round 3

  • Price per token: $0,08
  • Total Amount of THOL Sold: 2,938,600
In total in all 3 rounds 60,310,000 THOL were sold.

Tholos Token Allocations, Vesting Schedule & Upcoming Unlocks

THOL's Allocations
THOL's Unlocks

Private Sale Tokens (Round 1 & 2)

All contributors during the Round 1 and 2 of the Private Sale are subject to the following vesting periods:
  • 25% of Tokens within 1 month following the TGE
  • 15% of Tokens within 3 months following the TGE
  • 15% of Tokens within 5 months following the TGE
  • 15% of Tokens within 8 months following the TGE
  • 10% of Tokens within 12 months following the TGE
  • 10% of Tokens within 15 months following the TGE
  • 10% of Tokens with 18 months following the TGE

Community Sale Tokens (Round 3)

All contributors during the Community Round are subject to the following vesting periods:
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 2 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 3 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 4 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 5 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 6 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 7 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 8 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 9 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 10 month following the TGE
  • 10% of the Tokens released after 11 month following the TGE

Team Tokens

Team tokens will be locked up and distributed only upon a two-factor completion of events: time-based & price appreciation of tokens.
  • 15% of tokens allotted to team members will be distributed at the 6-month mark after the Token Generation Event.
  • Another 15% of team tokens will be released and distributed after 2 years or when THOL reaches $1.00 USD.
  • The final 70% of team tokens will be locked up for a period of 2 years (24 months) after the Token Generation Event and will not be accessible to the team or company for the duration of the time.

Advisory Tokens

Advisory tokens are subjected only to time-based lock-ups. The first batch of Advisory Tokens was released 2 months after the TGE and will follow the below timeline:
  • 2 months after TGE - 10% of THOL distributed
  • 4 months after TGE - 15% of THOL distributed
  • 6 months after TGE - 20% of THOL distributed
  • 9 months after TGE - 25% of THOL distributed
  • Remaining 30% will be distributed at a rate of 1% per week for 30 weeks

THOL Liquidity

  • 33% of Tokens at TGE;
  • 11% of Tokens after 1 month following the TGE
  • 11% of Tokens after 2 months following the TGE
  • 11% of Tokens after 3 months following the TGE
  • 34% of Tokens after 12 months following the TGE


  • 1% of Tokens 3 months after the TGE and for every month after that for 12 months
  • 3% of Tokens 15 months after the TGE and for every month after that for 12 months
  • 5% of Tokens 27 months after the TGE and for every month after that for 10 months
  • 2% of Tokens 35 months after the TGE
  • The vesting ends after 35 months.
Tokens in Treasury will be used as a community-building incentive and will be distributed to our community for any predefined activities and actions. Such actions include community giveaways, our ambassador program and anything that might come up during the protocol's development. Check Tholos Utility for more info.

Token Supply

25% of Tokens will be allocated to provide liquidity for THOL trading.

Token Unlock Schedule

THOL Unlock Schedule

Tholos Utility

THOL's Utility
The token plays a crucial role in the protocol, enabling users to engage in AngelBlock’s activities through functions such as gas usage, community participation, governance, development influence, access to additional features, and more.
As of the current writing, Tholos encompasses the following functionalities:
  • Token Staking – earning deflationary APY
  • Priority deals and ticket sizes based on staking tiers
  • Community building incentivization through our Ambassador program
  • Incentivizing user activity to support listed Startups through ongoing quests with the 3rd party services like Zealy.
  • Offer rewards for submitting/fixing security issues and loopholes in tokenomics of Startups
In the future and as the protocol develops further, THOL’s utility will include:
  • THOL will be used to pay gas in the protocol and not requiring ETH on the user's side
  • THOL will be required for all protocol interactions, including but not limited to, taking part in raises, buying and selling badges, claiming tokens.
  • Rewards for completing task/ticket by the community members for startups
In addition to THOL, our protocol aims to incorporate more tokens to facilitate our ever-growing ecosystem. This includes both ERC20 and NFT (ERC721 & ERC1155) tokens. Below, we outline the types of tokens we already facilitate and those we plan to integrate:
Already Utilising
  • $THOL (Tholos token) - the main token in terms of monetary value and core ERC20 of AngelBlock. Currently earned as a reward from staking, bought from available markets, or reward as a community-building tool for most active users on the platform i.e. Ambassadors.
  • AngelBlock NFTs - a collection of ERC721 tokens that accompany AngelBlock long term, remain tightly integrated with the platform. Allowing NFT holders to earn staking rewards by staking them, increasing their total THOL stake thus giving them access to higher investing tiers and higher staking rewards.
  • Badges - ERC1155 certificates unlocked by investors after fundraising, strictly connected with the project and amount invested. These tokens conform to each investor's voting power during startup milestone voting.
Future Tokens for AngelBlock Ecosystem
  • wTHOL (Wrapped Tholos) - correlated incentivization asset aimed to be utilized for cross-user interactions on the platform and essentially allowing the acquiring of $THOL from the AngelBlock Treasury for activity and participation by most active users.
  • xTHOL - a future governance token, whose emissions and treasury will be fully controlled and governed by a DAO. This is planned as an additional reward from the staking program that will allow participation in the growth and development of AngelBlock and its ecosystem.
Thank you for reading. If you have further questions about our tokenomics and THOL info, feel free to join our community and ask.

Written by: Nikos Fratzeskos

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